Anti-flamme - Herbal relief creme, from Natures Kiss.

Anti-Flamme is a blend of natures own healing herbs. Provides relief from bumps, bruises,aches and pains. Contains Arnica, Hypericum, Calendula and peppermint. Calendula is known for its soothing action on dry and prickly tissue. The essential oil of Peppermint is commonly used for its cooling sensation along with the feeling of deeper absorption. It also encourages an increased blood flow to the local area.
For external use only. Avoid contact with the eyes. Do not use on open wounds or infected areas of skin. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Avoid direct sunlight.
Arnica montana. A herb that has been used for centuries by herbalists and practitioners for its beneficial effects. Arnica is probably one of the most widely known and recommended herbs, particularly in places like Germany.
Hypericum perforatum. This herb is commonly known as St John’s Wort.
Calendula officinalis. Calendula is known for its soothing action on dry and prickly tissue. It is often found in cosmetics, in wound salves, and even eyewashes.
Peppermint. The essential oil of Peppermint is commonly used for its cooling sensation along with the feeling of deeper absorption. It also encourages an increased blood flow to the local area.
Doctors Selection Glucosamine 1000

Doctors’ Selection Glucosamine 1000 is Australia’s leading practitioner dispensed joint care product. It can reduce the pain and stop the joint damage caused by osteoarthritis.
In 2002 a group of Australian doctors began researching complementary medicines. They found that most products marketed by natural health companies lacked any scientific data that showed they actually worked. They decided to form a company to produce complementary health products that were proven by sound medical evidence to be safe and effective. That company was named Doctors’ Selection. After intensive research, the doctors discovered that a specific dose and formulation of glucosamine was the ideal treatment for mild and moderate cases of osteoarthritis. The result of their research is Doctors’ Selection Glucosamine 1000. Already, thousands of Australians have experienced its beneficial effects.
To find out more about Doctors Selection, click here. Why choose Doctors Selection? click here
Gym Balls

The Gym ball is also known by a number of different names including Swiss ball, exercise ball, therapy ball and balance ball. Using a Gym ball as part of a fitness program can include a wide range of difficulty levels, each requiring support from the back and stomach muscles that help firm up the trunk muscles in the body. Exercise balls are commonly used as part of a physical therapy program for individuals with low back pain.
Our physios are experienced in the correct usage of the Gym ball and use it as one of the tools for rehabilitation. The Gym ball can be used to develop overall control and strength of the ocre body muscles, improve balance and stability, improving proprioception and increasing abdominal and lower back strength.
Gym balls come in several different sizes and we can advise you of the most appropriate size for your needs. We only source high quality products that use burst resistant material. We carry a small number of these in stock but can order a ball if the right size is not avaiable in the clinic.
Exercise cushions

The air filled exercise cushion helps you work on your balance when you stand or sit on it, making you constantly move to compensate for the flexibility of your base. This strengthens muscles and improves your ability to balance properly, vital in older life when we lose muscle tone, flexibility and balancing capability.
Stand on it, sit on it, kneel on it, use it on your office chair, have 1 for each foot & the possibilities are many and various. And once you”ve mastered using the smooth side of the exercise_cushion, there”s a whole new challenge on the knobbly side! The cushion is made of easy to maintain wipe clean blue PVC.
Tape for strapping

We keep a wide range of strapping tapes and materials in stock for daily use by the physios. If you are confident about doing your own strappings we can provide you the materials in bulk. Please ask you physio or the admin staff about your needs.
Braces and Supports for all body parts

We can obtain a wide range of braces to suit almost any need. Some of the more common braces (e.g. ankle braces, wrist supports) we have a selection in stock but if what you need is not in the clinics we can easily and quickly (usually next day) obtain it for you. Please ask the physio or admin staff.